Erin's 3rd birthday

Today, our little princess celebrates her 3rd birthday.

We haven't really prepared any celebration because we thought it wasn't gonna be a big deal. She's still too young to care and she doesn't have much friends to celebrate with anyway. But the past week we've noticed that Erin's been paying a lot of attention to birthdays. For one, it was her mother's birthday just last week so it's still fresh to her. Whenever she sees parties or hears the birthday song, she's end saying 'happy birthday' all day long. She'd say it to everyone. We decided it was best to give her a bit of a treat.

So yesterday, after work, we along with Mama and Papa went to Bungarribee Buffet at Blacktown Worker's Club for a celebratory dinner.

Then tonight, we went to church for our evangelical mission and our usual friday night guarding. We brought cake, some food for a humble dinner and blowing of candles ceremony. We were joined by Emmy and Christian, Ethan's classmate, who coincidentally is the only friend outside of our family that Erin has. So it pretty much complete attendance.

We went home a little earlier than usual and spent precious family time playing Hide and Seek - Erin new favorite game.

 It wasn't much of a celebration but our little girl was happy.