Showing posts from 2015Show all
Intense Little Einsteins
Ethan's 7th Birthday
Vacation 2015, Leg 5: Manila
Vacation 2015, Leg 4: Tagaytay
Vacation 2015, Leg 3: Manila
Vacation 2015, Leg 2: Hong Kong
Vacation 2015, Leg 1: Manila
Ethan's Observations Of The Philippines
Who Do I Like The Least?
Welcome, Emma Lily!
Rice and Nuggets please
Anniversary trip to Canberra
No, not again!
Matilda The Musical
Ethan the Scarecrow
Hyperthyroid what?!?
Family portrait
Good to be back
The Ballerina and the Frog
Goodbye Odyssey, Hello Captiva!
Time to move again
And I'm free!
Not finishing the apple
Did you already pray to God?
10,000 steps a day
Chemo Cycle 8: Done and Done!
Hashtag Exaggerated
The negative of being too positive
Happy 2nd birthday Erin!
Cruise Dinner and Les Miserables Musical on Lani's birthday
Ethan lost his wobbly tooth
Chemo Cycle 7: Hospitalisation
Erin's first cinema experience
Taronga Zoo and ferry trips
Keeping Mommy warm
Chemo cycle 6, hopefully the last
Chemo Cycle 5 is done.
The sunnier sunny-side ups
Ethan's Prayer And A Happy Cry
Chemo Cycle 4: Of missing my food and a fit of panic
Introducing: La Presa News
Wait, what? You're driving?!?
Chemo Cycle 3: Me and My Tough Skin
Beauty, Brains and Brawn - Lani changed my flat tyre
Missing Posts
Chemo, Cycle 2 is almost over
Lani conquered the Highway
Ethan's English Autocorrect
Erin knows Mommy
Lani's driving breakthrough: Office to Home
Chemo, Cycle 2, Day 1 - worst than Cycle 1
Looking back at 2014