Bronte to Bondi Walk

So we're still not done walking. The first one at Kuring-gai Chase was 2km (to-and-from), but the moms decided they wanted more. So they thought doing the Bronte to Bondi Walk was a good idea. Well it was, but it was tiring as well!!! All in good family fun though.

As usual, we tried to start our day early but didn't get to go until past 7am. We arrived at Bronte at around 8am with the 2 families. After finding good parking spots, we headed down Bronte beach and started our trek of the famous trail. It was around 2.5km long and took us about an hour to finish one-way.

Arriving at Bondi, we decided we will waste all the calorie-burning effort by having breakfast at McDonalds.

Going back, we decided it was not easy for the preggy among us, so we decided to take the "shorter" urban route - which ended up being harder because of the hilly terrain. We got back to Bronte around 11:30 and the kids went for a quick swim in the rock pool before we headed back home just past lunchtime.