Ethan’s CHS MAD performance

Ethan’s school is very strong in their Music and Arts Department, and in fact every year they hold an event called MAD Concert. They were not able to hold it the past couple of years due to Covid, so everyone is very excited once again to hold this great showcase of showmanship among students and teachers.

With God’s grace, Ethan had been called upon to perform in a number of songs, including as only of the vocal leads for the Junior Rock Band.

Most of  Ethan’s performances where with the choral ensemble. But in his limelight performance, Ethan sang with fellow year 8 and year 9 students, singing Kelly Clarkson’s My Life Would Suck Without You. Ethan had a solo part and towards the end of the song, he led the crowd in clapping along with the song which energized the entire auditorium. Everyone clapped along till the end of the song and it was such a famtastic sight to behold. Ethan was ecstatic and was so proud of his moment.

After the show, many students, teachers and parents approached and congratulated Ethan for his performances. 

We are of course very proud!

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