Ethan's chatter II

I wrote about some of the word Ethan could already utter when he was 15 months old. Now that he's 20 months old, I think it's high time for an update.

So, here are the new (and updated) words on his vocabulary:

- Ma! - milk, though sometimes he says it right.
- taw - cow
- tat - cat
- dat - duck
- dod - dog
- fier - pacifier
- fubright - baby bright (DVD)
- baaaaanana - banana. He has a very cute way of saying it.
- fone - iphone
- tet chu - thank you
- triang - triangle
- tehtagon - hexagon
- quare - square
- yets go - let's go
- yayadabatabatabata - he shouts this whenever his happy. Have no idea what it means. Doesn't even sound like yaba-daba-doo

He also knows his ABCs now, and he can go from A to Z without any coaching. He can count 1 - 20 on his own, and can recognize up to 30 (eg, multiple choice), but he won't say them yet. He's also familiar with the primary and secondary colors.

Oh, and he calls Lani 'Mommy' now.

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