Bye Berlina, Hello Odyssey!

The past week or so, I have been spending a lot of time on gumtree looking for a 7-seater to replace our beloved car. We have a new baby coming and with Nanay already here, the 5-seater Berlina is no longer enough for us. And since Jr, Lei, and Marti are spending time with us during the holidays, it was the best time to change cars.

One of the minivans I really liked was the Honda Odyssey. We can't afford the newer ones so I've decided that focus my search on a 1997-1998 model. 

Today, we finally make the decision to get this done. Jr and I went arround Granville and Cabramatta to looks for cars, and finally settled on a silver 1998 Odyssey at Best Buy Autos. Since we were going through a dealer, we knew that we were over spending a bit. I paid 3000 and my car to get the 7-seater. Kind of a high price, in hindsight, but I guess that's the cost of 'upgrading'.

So, as soon as we're done, we went back home to fetch the whole family, including Nanay and went off to see the Sydney Opera House. 

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