Ethan's 5th Birthday

For God and Family - that was the theme of this year's celebration of Ethan's birthday.

We started the day attending the CWS Thanksgiving in the church. Then, Mama, Papa and the kids were fetched by Tito Toto for a mini family reunion at their house in Mt Druitt, where we will also celebrate Ethan's birthday. Mama and Papa just arrived in Sydney earlier in the month, so it was an opportunity for them to visit family.

Lani and I just followed after because I was still busy with church duties. I've been involved in the Technical Crew preparing for local's first inclusion in the live video conferencing worship service, so had to be in the church more than usual. And this is pretty much the reason why we kept the celebrations simple this year. I didn't have time to organize anything bigger nor have a trip somewhere.

But still, it was a great party. Tito and Tita prepared sumptous lunch and we all had a relaxing chat while sitting on the swing in their backyard. It was an nice afternoon with family.