Farewells and Hellos

Today was both a sad and happy day for us. We just came back from the airport to send home nanay and pick up Mama and Papa.

Nanay's visa is due to expire on the 5th of Dec and she can't apply again until Jun 2014. We planned for her to come back sooner but Immigration said she can't be in the country for more than 12 of a 18 month period. We booked her on PAL flight which leaves at 10:10am today. Ka Narsing and Ka Bang came to bid their farewell aswell.

Coincidentally, that plane Nanay boarded is the same that brought Mama and Papa in. They arrived at 8am and we met them at the gate after Nanay went into the boarding area. It's their first time to see Erin so they were really excited.

It's going to be a big change for us, especially the kids who are very much used to Nanay. 

As we were waiting for Nanay board, Ethan asked me, "Daddy, is Nanay leaving yet? Is it now time to cry?"

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