Chemo, Cycle 2 is almost over

Ladies and gentlemen, meet my new best friend - Earl Grey!

My friend Earl here has been my saviour this past 2 weeks. He's been my constant companion consoling me from morning till midnight. He and his girlfriend Sugar, when put together on a hot cup, work miraculous wonders in relieving my nausea. Their distinctive citrus begamot flavour leaves me uplifted and able to tackle the world! Ok, I borrowed that last line from Twinings's website.

You see, this 2nd cycle of chemotherapy had been worse than the first. The nausea is more severe (still no vomiting though, thank goodness!) and the muscle fatigue more pronounced. Jaw spasms were there every time I ate. Pins and Needles were constant that even just the summer breeze would give me the sensations. I had to drink warm tea the whole day to battle it out. It was bad enough that I didn't want to leave the bed for the first week and had to skip work on Day 5.

But all is good now. Week 2 is a lot more subtle. The nausea remains but all other side effects are gone. I'm able to take cold drinks again without feeling swollen on my throat. I can move about just as I normally would. In fact, I was even able to play basketball on Day 8 and was promptly scolded for doing it on Day 9 (thank you very much for the concern, Mommy, sis Linda, sis Henie, and sis Sonia).

I'm taking my last Xelox pills on Saturday morning for this cycle so I'll be meds-free next week. Anyone wants to play ball? :-D