Looking back at 2014

Around this time every year, I usually write about what we have done in our year end break. This year will be different though mainly because there hadn't been much activities for us. The past 2 weeks have mostly been around staying at home, going out to church, the grocery, the park, or the doctor. We did get to watch a movie in the cinema once but that's about it.

So what I'll do instead is look back at this very memorable year.

We will probably look at 2014 as the most unforgettable year for us. It had been so overwhelmingly eventful.

Firstly, there were the church events. 2014 is the 100th anniversary of the Church of Christ so it was a big year not only for us, but the Church in its entirety. Here in Australia, we've been involved in so many projects and activities. It started with the Countdown To Centennial event held on 9 Feb at the Sydney Olympic Park Sports Centre where Lani and I became very busy helping in the organizing committee. And then there was the actual anniversary of the Church on 27 July. Our local was included via video-linked worship services and broadcast of the going-ons in the Philippine Arena. I was on the forefront because I was part of the technical team making all of them happen. At the end of the year we were also visited by our Executive Minister and Lani and I both performed our duties as deacon and secretary.
2014 is also Ethan's first year of formal schooling and he did so well that it was a year full of awards, culminating in the Academic Achievement award, the top of his class, at the end of the year.

We also celebrated Erin's first birthday this year, which was held at the Seven Hills RSL. It was months and months of preparation, especially for Lani.

This was also a year for family. Mama and Papa stayed almost the whole year with us in Australia, and Jean, my sister in the states, got married this year as well. Nanay also returned to Australia in October after staying 10months in the Philippines.

As far as trips go, we did manage to sneak in 2 trips this year. The first in Gold Coast last April and a trip to the Snowy Mountains in September. Lani also had the chance to go to the Philippine on work duty twice this year, and I to Singapore once.

And let's not forget, this is the year that Lani started driving... or started learning to drive at least.

And the best of them all, 2014 is the year that we received our permanent residency here in Australia. Hip hip! Hurray!

But all is not good, unfortunately. At was also this year that I was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer, after suffering from stomach pains for much of the year. I had my colon resection surgery in October and I started my chemotherapy in December.

Truly, 2014 was an action-packed year for us. Full of fun, laughter, inspiration, hope, love, despite the sorrow. Let's hope 2015 is just as exciting. Minus the sorrows, of course.