Introducing: La Presa News

Lani is an avid fan of telenovelas. Everyday she'd watch one of her shows, be it Forevermore, Dream Dad, The Voice of the Philippines, or even The Buzz, either when we're on the way to work, during lunch, or when she's putting the kids to sleep.

Last Friday night, she was watching Forevermore when she suddenly let out a big gasp. Mang Bubs, a character played by Joey Marquez, was shot on the back. I was reading the news at the time so when I heard Lani's reaction, was a bit over-the-top, I told her maybe we should get that reported in the news -  like it's a real thing happening. And, bored as I was that night, I decided to do exactly that.

So now I present my latest project. A news-theme satirical blog in honor of the Forevermore TV Series.

Please do visit it when you have time and kindly spread the word around. I will try to put up at least 2 posts every night tackling the events on the night's episode.  Hope you guys enjoy.