Ethan's Observations Of The Philippines

Here's a collection of Ethan's funny - and sometimes nasty - remarks about the Philippines during our recent trip. The last time he was there he was only 3 years old, so it was like first time to him. Obviously, there was a bit of a culture shock.

Upon exiting the NAIA airport terminal:
"This place smells stinky!"

Inside the van from the airport:
"Is it not illegal to not wear seatbelts here?"

On our second day when we drove somewhere:
"Why is everything so old and broken?"

After several trips out: 
"Why are a lot of men not wearing shirts?"

On our second week in the Philippines:
Ethan: Daddy, how was it living here when you were young?
Me: It was ok
Ethan: Even if the city is almost broken?

Arriving back in Manila after our stay in Tagaytay:
"Has this place been flattened by a volcano?"

On our third week: 
"The Philippines is so old and rusty. Was this the first country ever made?"

All negativities aside, Ethan did enjoy his stay in the Philippines. He met new friends (his cousins, aunts and uncles, neices & nephews), re-connected with old pals (Mara), and of course enjoyed the food, particularly Andoks barbeque and Jolly Hotdog.

When we where about to leave:
Ethan: Daddy, which is better, Australia or Philippines?
Me: Mmm... Which is better for you?
Ethan: I think Australia, but I'm sad that we're leaving. I'm gonna miss Nanay and my cousins."

Photo taken at Hong Kong International Airport, on our way back to Manila.