New toy: Roland HD03 drums

Got the kids a new toy today. Well, that might not be an accurate statement. Firstly, it's not really a toy, it's an instrument. And second, the kids are probably not the primary beneficiaries.

You see, the past few weeks Ethan had been saying that he really likes drumming. He drums on tables, walls, his lap, everything, using either his hands or a pair of pencils. So I decided to get them an electronic drum set! I managed to get great deal from Gumtree - $200 for a superb condition second hand Roland HD03 kit.

The kids loved it. 

Ethan was getting a little frustrated at first as he's found out that it's not as easy as he thought it would be. He was too eager to do fast rolls. But I did manage to convince him to go slow while he is still learning the basics. So after about a few hours, he's now able to play consistent 4-beat routines. 

Erin is, well, what any other toddler armed with a pair of sticks would be. An unstoppable succession of uncontrollable hammering of the drums.