Erin's first trip to the dentist

So today was Erin's first visit to the dentist. Ethan was already due for a visit so when I booked him in, I decided to include Erin as well. The visit went pretty well.

When we got the clinic, the dentist was already waiting for us. She said "Hi!" and Erin quickly said "I think it's a doctor." Obviously. Ethan went straight to the dental chair and happily chatted while dentist checks his teeth. They talked about the school holidays, his last visit, how his teeth are feeling, and if he brushes often. Ethan carried himself well. At one point, he complained that the lights were too bright so the dentist gave him sunglasses. Ethan needed a filling on one of his baby tooth, but everything else was fine.

The whole time that Ethan was on the seat, Erin was watching very intently. Like studying and trying to remember how it's done. She didn't look nervous and when I asked if she's excited, she gave a very enthusiastic "yes!".

As soon as Ethan's done, Erin dashed into the office and unto the chair. She panicked a little when the chair started moving (reclining down), but quickly calmed down when she saw me standing beside her. The dentist turned on the light and Erin promptly asked, "where my glasses?". The dentist gave her a rad-looking pair of shades.

During her session, Erin was very cooperative. She followed all instructions, was very still, and answered all the questions asked by the doctor. At the end of the session, she was given a cup of water to gargle. She took the cup, sipped a little bit of water and blew all of it in front of her. The basin was nowhere near her, so the water landed on the chair. Luckily, she only sipped in a tiny amount.

The doctor commented that her teeth were perfect. No cavities and very clean for a 3 year old. I remember when we first brought Ethan to the dentist at 3 years, the dentist was already suggesting surgery to repair his large cavities. Oh right, I'm not supposed to compare :D

Anyway, it has been a quick and fun. Both kids enjoyed it and are already looking forward to their next visit.

watching how it's done