Remember when the world was offline?

I do. I do. Because we have been exactly that the past week. Since we moved in to the new house, we have not had internet connection yet, save for our mobile phones. I cannot believe how difficult it STILL IS to get internet here in Australia.

Whenever we relocate, electricity and internet are always the first things I organise. I make sure that those are connected on the first day that we move in. I've learned my lesson when we first move here and spend hundreds on our first few days. But this time has been specially challenging.

First, a week before the move, I went to Optus' website (our current provider) to organise a relocation request. After 2 days, I received a call informing me that our new address is not serviceable by Optus. If I wanted to stay with the provider, I will have to pay 50% extra (because they have to rent a line from the competitor), and I have to wait a few weeks before it gets installed. I chose not to wait and said I'll try another provider. They were happy to do an early termination for me without penalties.

Then I went to Dodo, a re-seller for a big telco, who was an offering unlimited internet + XBOX one bundle for the price that I was paying my previous provider. Application went fine and the agent said installation can be done on my preferred date (our move in date). After 2 days, I got a message from them saying installation will be on 3 August. Our kids would be dead from youtube-starvation by then, so I cancelled the order.

I called Telstra, the big telco. The 3 August delay on the other providers was because they had to wait on Telstra to install the phone line, so I thought going straight to them would get me going sooner. The agent I spoke with was happy to assist and confirmed that they can service my house sooner. In fact, I was asked to choose from available dates for my installation. I chose 30 Jun (the earliest available). I figured one day without internet is not too bad - I could keep the kids busy with other stuff.

One day after, I received a message from Telstra saying installation will be done on 3 August. I called them in panic. The agent explained that the delay is because I am porting my current landline number. I told her that I'm happy to get a new number, just get the connection running. So she amended my order and confirmed installation on 30th June.

On the 30th, I was up early to welcome the Telstra engineer who was doing the work. Turned out, he was just there to install the Phone Line and another team will connect the internet. I thought, ok, I can deal with that. So he took more than an hour trying to get the job done, but eventually failed. He pulled me to the MDF room and explained that the phone line is already terminated there but he can't get a proper signal inside our unit, and that I should call the builder to fix the internal cabling of the house. Like any normal guy would do, I took it upon myself to fix the problem. I spent hours troubleshooting, tracing cables, and opening wall plates, and finally discovered that the phone line had a short circuit going up to the 3rd floor. Easy fix. And we had a phone line.

Using the new phone line, I called Telstra to follow up on the internet line. Their answer was, "ADSL is activated at least 5 days after the line installation".  #$%^&*(@!!!!!

Two days after (2 Jul), I noticed that the phone was dead. I called Telstra again. The agent explained that there was a mistake with my order. There were 2 orders made (remember the agent who amended it for me?), and because of that the wrong line was connected to my house. They sent the engineer again to connect a new line.

I called again the following day to check on the progress. Phone is still working fine with the new number/line, which is good, but the modem still hasn't arrived in the mail. Agent checked for me and found that there is a problem (AGAIN) with my order. Because of the duplicate order, the system is now showing that there is no available port for me. Reason is, the line is already provision for the other order that was cancelled/removed. Crazy right?  After keeping me on hold for like forever, the agent returned and said she will sort it out and get back to me. She didn't.

The following morning, I contacted Optus again to find out if that they already connect me since I already have a working phone line. The agent said Cable is actually possible (I was on cable before). So I quick instructed him to sign me up. He passed me to a sales agent who then said cable is not possible. I was confused. I was advised to try applying online because the online order system is saying the address is serviceable. So I did. I was told an engineer will get in touch to schedule installation. Now I'm waiting for both Telstra and Optus.

After a day, I called both Telstra and Optus to follow up. Optus said they don't have news yet and to keep waiting. Telstra said the problem was sorted out and that my model will be delivered on the 6th and internet activated the same day. Perfect!

On the night of 5 Jul, I received a message from Telstra asking me to call back. I did and the agent said my order is progressing well and internet will be activate on the 8th, as planned. Wait, what? 8th? planned?  How? When? Why? Who changed it? Here's what the agent said "It didn't change, sir. It was already like that. The agent gave you the date that she saw at that time, but the system was updated after. But there was no change done." Seriously?!?!? So it was updated but not changed. How was that even possible?  I demanded a call back from the previous agent who promised me 6th July.
Turning feral over YouTube starvation

After about 10mins, I received a call from the agent who was apologetic for the stuff up. The excuse is that there is a problem on the exchange and they had to send an engineer to do some fieldwork, hence can't be earlier than that. By now, I was already drained and couldn't argue anymore. I've heard of stories of people having to wait 4 months and even years to get internet running. So I decided to just accept the 2 extra days.

So now I am waiting. Waiting for whoever connects me to the internet first - Telstra or Optus. Waiting for someone to call me and tell me that they cannot do it. I am half expecting it, if only to keep me sane in case it does happen.

I lay home tonight watching my kids sleep. They look peaceful now. But I know deep down they are raging like wild animals who haven't eaten in days. They are craving. They are starved. I just hope they can last 2 more days before they start going feral. I hope I can last another day before I go crazy myself.