America Bay Track Walk

Ok, so the moms have a new passion - walking! I will admit, it's not something I'm excited about, but I do see the benefits, especially for the kids. And so, the plan was conceived and off we went.

The plan was for the Luzon, Au, Maduli families to be there. Unfortunately though, Aris got sick in the morning of the walk, so the Madulis begged off. We were left with 2 families.

We left early in the morning, around 7am, went for a quick breakfast at McDo Thornleigh and then headed straight to Kuring-gai Chase. It was about an hour's drive from our place.

The kids enjoyed the experience. It's very new to them - walking in the bushes, up and down mountainous tracks, through valleys and creeks, and concluding at a lovely waterfall with a scenic view. They were sweaty and tired, but very happy and energized.


After the walk, we headed out to the West Head Lookout for some photos and a quick lunch break. Then off back to reality for  our church duties.