An all-thumbs-up from the gastro

So Mama is still in the hospital as I've written in my last post. The stroke attacks finally stopped on Saturday after she was given several doses of blood thinners. She will probably stay a couple more days for monitoring.

In the meantime, I had a date in the operating theatre myself. I was due for my annual colonoscopy, so yey! *sarcasm*  This means I just spent the last 24 hours without food and I'm now grumpy!

Lani picked me up from North Shore Private this afternoon after an all-thumbs-up from the gastro (pun intended). No polyps or lesions found, which makes me 5 years in remissions, so I'm officially cured! Real Yey! Time to celebrate!

Now here's the catch. My procedure was at 1pm, so I spent the morning waking around Chatswood Shopping Centre to relax myself. Work called because there was a critical situation with one of our websites so I had to quickly go to the office and attend to it. I managed to do some fault-finding but wasn't able to resolve the issue because I had to leave at 12:15pm for my hospital admission. After waking up from recovery, Lani and I headed back to the office at 3pm and I went back to resolving the issue. Fortunately, I managed to fix it by 5pm.

It was pretty ironic that the hospital discharge form I signed stated I shouldn't make important decisions nor operate machinery after my procedure, yet there I was rummaging though thousands of lines of codes and deploying applications to production systems within minutes of waking up from general anesthesia. I guess being numb made me less affected by pressure and stress. Give me more!