Bye bye switch

Erin had been complaining that her iPad is slow. She says it lags in many of the games she pays and often times she'd end up borrowing my phone instead of using her tablet. We decided we'd get her a new one - we just needed to raise about $400.

Enter Ethan's Nintendo Switch. We bought Ethan this console in December as a birthday gift. He played it for about 3 days, maybe 5 at most, and stopped. He preferred his iPad and laptop more. In fact, it was Erin who played it more often than Ethan did - but still not enough to make the purchase worthwhile. She plays it like once a month.

So we bargained with Ethan to sell the switch in exchange for stuff that he actually can use - in particular Robux, the digital currency for Roblox, a game that he really likes playing. This way, he gets something that he will actually use (in-game currency) instead of having something that he doesn't even touch at all (Switch). At first he was hesitant. He had sentimental attachment to the Switch, it being a birthday gift, but after I convinced him to me more practical, he gave in.

It took us a few hours to finally agree on a trade, and it ended up looking like this:
  • Ethan lets us sell the Switch console
  • Erin gets a new iPad mini for her upcoming birthday
  • Ethan gets:
    • 1-yr premium subscription to his game
      (steady stream of 15 Robux per day) 
    • lump sum amount of 2750 Robux 
    • A very happy sister
    • And very proud parents
I know I totally psyched him into agreeing, and it probably was not the best parenting tactic. But he did learn a great lesson in being practical. Oh well, there's no turning back now. I just sold the Switch for $450 through FB Marketplace.