Our superstar and rockstar - INC Carlingford's 43rd Anniversary

Today, our church's local congregation celebrates it's 43rd anniversary of it's establishment. And this was done through a grand evangelical mission and a musical program held at the Cherrybrook Community Centre this evening.

Lani and I were of course busy because we were part of the organising committee. I was sort of the person-in-charge while Lani played a big role in the food and refreshments department. Our children, of course, were involved too. And we are over-the-moon proud of them both for their parts.

During the planning of this event, I have already told Ethan that I wanted him to perform a solo number. There is this INC song that I really really loved - I Am Strong - and I thought it would fit him perfectly. Ethan, having just played a lead role in his school's musical production, agreed without any hesitation.

The past couple of weeks we have been rehearsing a lot at home - Ethan singing while I accompany him on the Piano. At one point, Erin asked "What am I going to do?" She wanted to be involved. I asked if she wanted to sing with Kuya thinking that she would decline because she hates attention. But much to my surprise, she said yes. And so she started rehearsing immediately.  

Today, our kids sang a duet in front of hundreds of people and we are crying in joy and pride.

I was on the backstage with them before they performed and I asked if she was feeling nervous and her answer was "No, because I know everyone here. I don't feel nervous in front of them." I will be honest - I was worried. Because because this is new to Erin. It was her first time to stand on a stage alone with all the attention on her. Let alone sing.

The kids had a choreography in mind so I pretty much let them decide how they would move about on stage. The music was to start with both of them offstage. After the intro, Erin would walk in singing the first stanza, then Ethan will join her on the next. For about 30 seconds, Erin was on her own.

It played like slow-motion in my head, I was really nervous! But she delivered really well! Erin came out very confident, came out strong, and was not bothered at all by the loud cheering from the crowd. She sang her lines with poise. She was a superstar!

Ethan did very well too. I thought he handled the duet really well and helped carry the tune while taking all of the attention away from Erin. He was as solid as a rock. He was a rockstar!

I'm excited to watch them again in their next production.