Barrenjoey Lighthouse Walk

And it's time for walking again.

Joined by our close friends, we went to the Barrenjoey Lighthouse today for a quick picnic by the beach, and a long uphill walk to the lighthouse.

We left Carlingford midday, after helping with church duties. We didn't expect to see many people, but boy are we wrong. The parking was packed, it was difficult to find a spot. There were plenty of people wanting to go out as much as us. 

Once we finally found parking spots, we went down to the headland leading to the 1.5 kilometer walk to the top of the mountain where the lighthouse is. We ended up setting up a picnic area and enjoying a good chat before we braved the climb. The kids played in the beach and sand a little, and all ended up with wet socks and shoes.

The view up top was lovely. You can see the island separating the 2 sides of the sea. The lighthouse itself was unremarkable, but the view was fascinating. I was not trilled with the steep climb to reach the top though.


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