Another ER date

So I’m back in the Emergency Room at Westmead Hospital - less than a month from when I was here due to severe pain in my left leg. Now I’m back for what seems like another side effect of the therapy. 

I woke up yesterday morning with pain in my right abdomen, just right under my ribs. The pain wasn’t severe, probably a 4 or 5, but was constant through out the day. I pretty much ignored it and even played basketball. 

The following morning (today), the pain remains and has seem to have gotten worse. It now radiates to my back, and is painful enough that I sometimes cringe when I take a deep breathe. Lani is worried that it’s liver-related, a side effect of Keytruda, so she decided we should go to the doctor. I called my oncologist and their reception deak advised that I head to emergency.

And so here we are. Came it at about 9:30am, was taken in by the triage nurses, waited and consulted with the doctor, waited again and had an xray (no issues found), waited even more then blood tests (all normal, including liver functions), waited even longer for ultrasound (again, nothing abnormal), then more waiting for CT-scan (all good as well), until we were finally lead to the short stay area at around 9pm for the hospital bed. Waited a couple hours to meet the surgical doctors only to be told that they still don’t know what it is and i’m being admitted for the night. I’ll see the medical oncologists in the morning for more diagnosis. 

Lani went home at 12am, thanks to the Madulis. Let’s see. What happens tomorrow. Good night!

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