Opo… Amen!

Part of the lesson we received in the Iglesia Ni Cristo is that children, at their young age, must learn the value and importance of prayers and that they should know how to respect prayers.

So, the past 2 nights, we have had Ethan join us, Lani and myself, while we hold our nightly prayer. We wanted Ethan to recognize prayer time as opposed to normal converstations, and how he should react when others are praying. As we do in the Iglesia ni Cristo, Lani would say ‘Opo’ (Yes) and ‘Amen’ to second my prayers.

Last night while we were praying, Ethan started mimicking Lani. Lani would say ‘Opo’ after my prayers and he will follow with his own ‘Ooopppooohhh’. It was so funny I had a hard time trying not to laugh in the middle of my prayer.

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