Counting in five different languages

English, Spanish, French, Arabic, and Japanese. Those are the languages that Ethan knows how to count on.
Galing no!?

He learned most of these from Youtube on the Phone. He'd watch counting videos again and again, regardless of language, and soon after, he's already memorized the numbers.

  • In English, as of June, he can count from 0 - 100, then followed by the hundreds (200-900), and the number 2000, 2010, and 2011. He can also count backwards and do simple maths, like addition of 1s, multiplication of 2s (up to 12 x 2), and he can spell and write the words ONE to TWENTY.
  • In Spanish, he counts from Uno (1) to Dose (12). He can actually identify the numbers, like ask him what the spanish of 8 is and he will answer otso. If he sees 947, he will say Nueve, Quarto, Siete. Of course, he says it this way - nebe, kwakko, syebe. He watches a lot of Spanish videos, but this one I remember hearing him sing along to:
  • In French, he just counts from Un (1) to seize (16). He can only count sequential numbers though and cannot name a random number yet. He learned it from this video
  • In Arabic, he learned from this video He just imitates the sound and it's really cute when he does this. I have once heard him calling a random number using Arabic. But he doesn't do this often.
  • In Japanese, he sings with this video: and occasionally uses it to count sequentially.

He also listens and mumbles Tagalog and Chinese numbers but that's more signing than really counting.

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