House move 2013

I did blog that we submitted an application to rent a house but I forgot to blog the update. Well here it is - we already moved in!

We got the approval from the landlord and agent on the 2nd of September and after serving the 3-week notice on the previous rental, we moved in to our new home on 26th September.

It was very very very very tiring. I only hired a mover to help on the big items - beds, sofa, ref, waching machine, dresser, tables, but I decided on doing the rest because my van is big enough. Would have been a bad decision but I didn't really regret it because the mover was so lazy I thought hiring was a waste of money.

Anyway, the new house is a lot different to where we used to live. It's a house now, so we're no longer in a unit with a grumpy old neighbour complaining on every noise we make. :D

It's 3-bedroom wooden house with large front and back yards, a very large garage with an adjoining sheltered barbeque/alfresco dining area, and a separate storage shed. It's a bit old with chipped paints and stained carpets, but we're not choosy :D

Enjoy the pics:

welcome to our home
garagre and barbeque
my garage
the barbeque
the back yard
nanay's favorite part of the house - sampayan!
the storage shed
the living room
the bar, or what Ethan calls "Ethan's fire station".
This is at the left corner of the living room (see pic above)

Living room, view from the window
Guest bedroom (nearest to lounge)
Entrance to nanay's room
Nanay's room (already full of Erin's stuff)
hall way to toilet/bath (left), backyard (centre door), and master bed room (right door) 
Master bedroom
View from corner of room

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