Ethan's Youtube Channel - EthanAu21

Ethan has been pleading for his own Youtube channel. He's asked about it for more than a year now and I've always put it off because (1) it's not easy, (2) the equipment, both hardware are software, that we need are not cheap, and (3) I can't think of enough content to make it sustainable and thus, rewarding.

But lately I have been getting more and more ideas on how we can get this to work. It is of course still a hobby (for Ethan especially), but it looks like I can probably monetize it even just to break even. I decided I'd to give it a try. My talent is of course more than ecstatic!

So I bought a bunch of stuff that I need to get it running. A pair of soft light kits, an old camera, a USB microphone, gameplay recording software, and a video editing suite. I've also spent sometime learning about Youtube monetization, setting up channels and facebook pages, adsense, artworks and and all.

The plan is to record 2-3 videos every week. A lot of it will be around the games Ethan play like Roblox and Minecraft (hence the gameplay recording software), but we will also record toy unboxing whenever the kids have new toys.

We started record on Sunday, 12 June.  Lani and I brought back several Kinder Joy Surprise eggs  from the Philippines and we recorded them opening these up. Then in the evening, we recorded Ethan's introductory video while we were in the chapel doing some paper work.


Last night, we recorded what we've planned as Ethan's very first video - his Draw My Life. We couldn't find a whiteboard so we settled on the A3 drawing book that we bought several years back. I had to improvised up an impromptu camera stand so I can record what I was drawing. I have to admit, it was a lot of fun.

After 4 hours of editing and audio recording, we've uploaded it to Youtube:

Erin has a cute cameo at the end, so please do watch it throughout. And please do Subscribe to the channel. We need to build up 500 subscriber-base before we can claim the Custom URL "EthanAu21"

I have 2 more videos to edit (Kinder Joy unboxing and our trip to Vivid Sydney) and I'm hoping I can get them up on Youtube before end of this week. On the weekend, we will start tinkering with Roblox gameplay records.

Exciting times ahead!