New hobby - Aquarium

So I've been wanting to get a turle for a few weeks now. I had already gotten my reptile license and did my research and homework. It was now time to get the plan going. 

I have been waiting on a good deal for a big aquarium. Turtles need both swimming space and a place to bask, so I wanted a 3-foot tank which was perfect for a baby to juvenile turtle. There had been some intriguing ones in FB Marketplace, but I wasn't still sold on which to buy. 

Yesterday, a fantastic deal came along. Someone was selling their 4-foot Reptile One Turtle Tank, which as obviously seen in the name - is meant for turtles. The guy was selling it for $200 (my budget) with everything that I needed to run it - built-in filter system (sump), filter media, T8 lights, basking lamp, screen covers, basking platform for the turtle, pebbles, a bit of ornaments, and it even came with some small fish. The tank was too big, but I coudn't resist. 

So with Lani's blessing I went ahead and purchased it. We had to re-arrange our living room a little to make room, but I'd say it ended up really good!

Now, it's time to cycle the tank for a couple of weeks, then we'd be off to get a turtle. 

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