Our Pet Project

Literally, it's a "pet" project. A pet Turtle, that is. 

As I've mentioned in my previous post, Erin had been asking for a Turtle and I had spent a good time learning how to care for them. Last week, we finally got one.

Erin and I got him (or her) at a pet store in Liverpool. Erin couldn't decide at first what to call it because we don't know whether it's a girl or boy - it's too early to tell. Erin said she'd call it Tomy if boy, or Terlinda of girl. But she ended up settling on the name "Bubbles" coz it can be for either. For the purpose of this blog, I'll refer to it as a 'he'.

Bubbles is a baby Murray River Short-Neck Turtle. He was around 4cm when we got him and was just a few weeks old. He was active in the tank that he was in, but very shy when carried. 

When we first brought him in, we immediately chased on a few feeder fish in the tank. But since he's young, he still couldn't catch any. So far, we have only been feeding him turtle sticks, blood worms, and some frozen turtle blocks that I got from Petbarn. He also has a few live plants that he can nibble on.

For a few days we couldn't see him basking on the dock, so we have been bringing him out 20mins a day to an enclosure in the backyard  - to give him a bit of sun time. But recently, I've been seeing him climb up on his dock, but he would quickly jump into the water as soon as he notices someone in the room. 

Look at him, he's really cute!

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