Foot problems

So I just got back from my 2-week work trip to the Philippines. On the final day of my stay there, I started feeling pain in my left ankle. It wasn't anything new, I've had tendonitis in the past 2 years, so I pretty much ignored it and carried on. 

I arrived back in Sydney on Friday, the 23rd, when to pickup my Tesla, then had my immunotherapy session at Norwest Prive Hospital. I spent the afternoon resting/sleeping, then went out late to play basketball, which I have been wanting to do the past 2 weeks. I couldn't play though - my ankle hurt so much that I can't jump, run, or in fact even walk straight. I ended up going home.

On Saturday morning, I woke up and could barely walk. My foot hurts so much, I couldn't even go around and enjoy the beauty of my new Tesla. 

Sunday night, I woke up in extreme throbbing pain. I couldn't walk at all anymore. I foot hurts as soon as it touches the ground, even without any weight. I had to get on my knees and crawl when going to the toilet in the middle of the night. If I needed to move a few steps, I had to use crutches. 

So on Monday morning after droving Lani to her Chiro appointment, we headed straight to the ER to have my foot checked. Xray initially didn't reveal anything serious other than bony spur in the heel. The physio believes its insertion tendonitis - which inflammation around the joint where my Achilles meets and my foot. I was given pain meds and referred for Ultrasound.

In the evening, ER called and said further review of the Xray showed a small fracture in my inner ankle and referred me for CT-scan and MRI. And that's where I am right now. 

The pain has subsided a little that I can walk without crutches now. I'm still limping though and I'm hoping this clears out in a few days so I can attend to my church duties, especially that it's our Holy Supper this weekend. 

waiting in the ER with crutches

swollen left ankle

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